Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Install Docker via Cask's HomeBrew


- Have HomeBrew installed (Check my postings I may have a tutorial here, if not reach out and I will try to help you with a quick tutorial...

- Install Cask ( check my tutorial as I know I definitely have one here)

Type each command after the step:

Step 1: brew install virtualbox

Step 2: brew install docker

Step 3: brew install boot2docker

Step 4: boot2docker init

Step 5: boot2docker up


Install applications on MAC without drag and drop ~ example on installing virtualbox using cask

Search casks by typing:

brew cask search

So for our first example lets install VirtualBox....

Step 1:  We need to install Cask... So if you already have homebrew installed type:

brew tap caskroom/cask

Step 2:  So we will search for VirtualBox, type this:

brew cask search virtual box

Step 3: If this is the first time you have run brew cask, you need to give your password...


Step 4: After you have placed your password you can now see the results...

==> We need to make Caskroom for the first time at /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom
==> We'll set permissions properly so we won't need sudo in the future
==> Exact match
==> Partial matches

Step 5:  Now lets instal virtualbox:

brew cask install virtualbox

Step 6:  Enjoy you can now run VirtualBox using Brew and Cast from the command line